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5 Common Dog Behaviors and Solutions

 The world of dogs is widely full of surprises, cuteness & a lot of misunderstanding and wondering moments,  Especially if you are new to dog ownership, thinking of getting a dog, or just wish to better manage your dog. Barking, biting, chewing and many other common dog behavior problems.

You may see your dog occasionally doing some movements that you do not understand, sounds like he is trying to tell you something or asking you a favor. Well, This is for you, Here I’m going to share with you the most common actions and behaviors your dog may do.
Understanding the most common dog behavior problems is the first step to solving them. A solid foundation of obedience training will help you better control of these issues or prevent in some cases.

1. Barking

Excessive barking is considered one of many behavior problems a dog may have. Before you can correct it, first of all, determinate why your dog is vocalizing, what makes him barking all the time? Then learn to control excessive barking.  Also, You should be consistent and patient.

2. Chewing

Most dogs are chewing, It's almost a natural behavior for all dogs!!! it's sort of the way they are wired. However, chewing can become a behavior problem if your dog causes destruction. Here are the most common reasons dogs chew:
  •  Puppy teething
  •  Boredom or excess energy
  •  Anxiety
  •  Curiosity (especially puppies)

Encourage your dog to chew on the right things and provide him with plenty of chew toys. Keep personal things away from your dog. When you are out, keep your dog confined to a less destruction area.
If you catch your dog chewing the wrong items, quickly replace the item with a chew toy and correct your dog with a sharp noise. Always make sure your dog gets plenty of exercises so it can wear off energy instead of chewing.

3. Digging

Digging is of the most common action between dogs, they will definitely do some amount of digging each time they got the opportunity to do so, it's a matter of instinct. Certain breeds, such as terriers, are more prone to digging because of their hunting instinct.
These are some factors that drive dogs to dig:
  • Boredom or excess energy
  • Anxiety or fear
  • Hunting instinct
  • Comfort-seeking (such as nesting or cooling off)
  • Hiding possessions (like bones or toys)
  • To escape or gain access

If your dog makes you pretty frustrating each time it digs up your yard, Try to determine the cause behind the digging, then eliminate that source. Spend more time with your dog and give it more exercise ( extra training ).

4. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is the biggest commonly discussed dog behavior problems. Manifestations include vocalization, chewing, inappropriate urination and defecation, and many other forms of destruction that occur when a dog is separated from his owner. Not all of these actions are the result of separation anxiety.
Signs of true separation anxiety include:
  •  The dog becomes anxious when it's owner prepares to leave.
  •  The misbehavior is happening in the first 15 to 45 minutes after the owner leaves.
  •  The dog always wants to follow the owner.
  •  The dog tries to touch the owner whenever it's possible.

True separation anxiety requires special training, behavior modification, and desensitization exercises. Medication may be recommended in some cases, but it's not always the right solution, so it's should be a last resort.

5.Inappropriate Elimination

Inappropriate urination and defecation everywhere are the most frustrating dog behaviors. They can damage your home or furniture and make your dog unwelcome in public places or at your friends' homes. It is important that you discuss this issue with your veterinarian. If there is no medical cause is found, then try to determine the reason for that behavior. These are some most common reasons:
  • Submissive/excitement urination
  • Territorial Marking
  •  Anxiety
  •  Attention-seeking
  •  Lack of proper housebreaking

Inappropriate elimination is unavoidable in dogs "puppies", especially in their early age ( before 12 weeks ). Older dogs are another story.

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