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4 Weird cat behaviors explaind

 Cats are awesome creatures, There is no doubt that everyone wants to own one, A cat owner also owns the cuteness, the beauty, and the psychological comfort... but sometimes these wonderful creatures may cause some inconvenience to their owners with their bad behavior. Peeing on personal belongings, Rubbing, Scratching, Meowing, Kneading, Swishy Tail... Etc are some of those actions that your cat may do. In fact, each cat owner has the same problems.

To correct your cat's bad behavior, first you need to know what makes it do those actions, So The question is " why Cats do what they do?".
Here are some insights into the minds and behavior of cats and what makes them behave like this.

  v     Peeing on personal belongings
Cats generally like their environment to have their scent, so when foreign-smelling objects penetrate their space, they will automatically choose to mingle their familiar scent with the new one. The most effective way to transfer scent is to urinate or spray on objects.
It may seem disgusting to you that your cat has urinated in your belongings or embarrassing that they have sprayed over your friend's handbag, this behavior will reduce some of the anxiety your feline friend is feeling.
You can avoid this happening by being tidy with your belongings and by relieving your cat's anxiety.
  v     Rubbing
Cats love to rub up, especially against their owners. This movement may be by their entire body or sometimes just their foreheads and cheeks. Most owners welcome this behavior, and they see it as a sign of affection.
When your cat starts rubbing against you or your objects, it's transferring its scent. It is almost as if it considers that each thing it could tach is now in its ownership and we are one of their belongings. Your cat head-butting or nuzzling your face deposits scent from glands in their cheek area. Their weaving through your legs, like you prepare to feed them, transfers scent from their sides and tails on to you. This behavior is also a way of making sure that they have your full attention.

v  Scratching

Cats always need to scratch surfaces to sharpen their claws, they also use this behavior as one of the most effective ways to deposit their scent. They have scent glands on their paws and rubbing their paws along objects places their scent there.
If you notice that your cat has the annoying habit of scratching all your belongings and furniture, that's often because this is an area that attracts many different scents. The sides of sofas, as an example, are favored areas and these may have the scents of outdoors, our visitors/guests, our bags or shoes. In performing the scratching, your cat replaces the foreign scent with their own.
If scratching causing you a big problem, then you must buy a scratching post. Put it in that area where your cat likes to scratch and then gradually move it towards your preferred location. Do not hide the scratching posts in corners, cats need to scratch in prominent areas.

v     Meowing

Cats meow to communicate with humans and to get their attention but it is rarely heard between cats. So when your cat meows to you, it is a special form of cat-to-human conversation.

Meowing will be sometimes annoying, so if your cat talks too much, Simply ignore the meows and respond when they are quiet.

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