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You might own a cat, And you may wonder who long do these wonderful creatures live! Well, Here are some amazing informatics about that...

With improvements in nutrition and veterinary medicine including vaccines and therapeutic agents, Cats are living now longer than ever. On average cats are living for more than 15 years of age and in some cases over 20 years of age. Life expectancy of a cat depends on many things, including the most important factor - whether your cat is an indoor-only cat or an outdoor cat.
On average indoor cats live from 12-18 years of age. Many cats may live to be in their early 20s. The oldest reported cat lived 28 years old.

Outdoor cats don't live much long due to being more likely to be involved in trauma such as motor vehicle accidents, lack of food ( healthy cats food ) or dog attacks... They are also more susceptible to several viruses including "Feline Immunodeficiency Virus" (FIV)  and Feline Leukaemia that is spread by contact with an infected cat or fighting.

Keeping my cat fit and healthy

There are many things you can do to make your fluffy friend live happily through their golden years.
•  Observation: your role in noticing small changes to your cat's behavior or general well being is very important. You can do this by performing a weekly mini-physical examination ( you can do it yourself).
•  Always monitor the changes in water intake, appetite, breathing patterns, coat quality, lumps and bumps, coughing, physical abilities, toileting habits, and even grooming habits.
•  Don't miss the Routine vaccinations.
•  Also Be regular with veterinary check-ups including a physical examination.
•  Be careful and choose the balanced diet that suits your cat's age.
• Maintain a healthy weight range.
• Exercise: engage your cat in moderate playtime with regular way.

• Provide a stress-free environment: Keep your cat away from the stress and the discomfort places.

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