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7 Facts You Did Not Know About Your Cat.

Facts You Did Not Know About Your Cat !!!

Cats are considered between the coolest and the most wonderful creatures in the world, These amazing creatures also can be kind of bizarre. Everybody knows that they  (cats)  have crazy antics as well as they have the biggest serial killer tendencies, they have acquired a unique ability to charm us with their overbearing behavior and to frighten us at the same time... All these strange things about cats made them distinguished from the rest of the animal kingdom, fascinating us every day. Curious to hear some fantastic and interesting facts about your cat?
Well, Here are 7 strange facts you need to know about your cat.

1. Cats can't taste the sweetness.
You might like to pamper your cat from time to time or you might think of giving him a candy to show your love, your fluffy friend will definitely appreciate that, but, unfortunately, He cannot understand what are you trying to do or to show… Simply because of the gene “Tas1r4”. Mutations of this gene remove the ability to enjoy sweets for same mammals, and cats are one of them.

2. Cats have an impressive night vision.
The ability to see bright colors and far distances might let Humans win during the day, But there is no chance to win the competition against a cat at night.
 cats have an amazing night vision in darkness, They have six to eight times more rod cells, Their oval eye shape and big corneas also help gather more light. which allows them to see better in the dark.

3. female cats use the right paw while Males use their left paw for tasks.
According to studies researchers have made to see which paw cats prefer to use during their tasks, female cats almost always used the right paw, while males used the left. Researchers suggest higher levels of testosterone could play a part in which paw cats use.

4. Cats rarely meow at other cats.
While they love to meow at humans, Cats rarely do it at their cat peers, They like to use other forms of communication like body language and visual and scent marking to communicate.

5. Black cats are good luck in the United Kingdom and bad the United States.

There are a lot of myths about cats, especially black cats, But those myths vary from one country to the other. In the  United Kingdom as an example, if a black cat walks by, it’s considered lucky, while in the United States it’s the opposite. same with white cats: they are unlucky in the UK but lucky in the US.

6. Cats have a built-in compass
Like a ninja, cats have the ability to right themselves in mid-air and land on their feet. They have an apparatus in their ear giving them the ability to always know and determinate directions. While they’re in the air, they shift the top part of their body one way and the lower part the other to make their body in a good landing position. they can arch their back as well and use their body like an umbrella to slow their fall.

7. The richest cat in the world is worth more than $13 million.

The Guinness Book of World Records says that the world’s richest cat is named Blackie. He inherited an estate of $13 million when his owner Ben Rea died in 1988.

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